American friends: There is 25 days until the midterm elections! Most of you live in solidly democratic districts, but you can still make a big difference by donating to democratic candidates in some of the poor, rural districts that are essential to winning the majority in Congress.
I urge you to donate to THE GREAT SLATE: A list of thirteen first-time progressive candidates for Congress who don’t take money from corporations, but do have excellent campaign teams, and a good shot at winning their races. But all of them are underfunded and are being ignored by the national Democratic Party (Read why here)
They need all the help they can get – especially in these final few weeks where they need to spend all of their time talking to voters, not schmoozing to millionaires to raise more funds. So donate today, and invite your friends to donate as well!
Thank you! The rest of the world is counting on you! 😅 👏
Danske venner: Man skal være amerikansk statsborger eller have permanent opholdstilladelse i USA for at kunne donere penge til valgkampen. Men amerikansk politik har enorm betydning for verden og for os (bare tænk på klima, verdenshandel, sikkerhedspolitik og meget mere). Så: Del dette med jeres amerikanske venner. Og gør det snarest, så donationerne kan nå at gøre en forskel inden valget!