Listening to the radio this morning before biking into town to work sitting at my newly-acquired thesis writing spot at the Royal Library in the centre of Copenhagen (nice), I heard a segment from Danish IT-news source, Harddisken, on Pervasive Computing and the hospital which sounded oddly familiar.
The segment was called “Et hospital i din krop – perspektiver for pervasive healthcare” and featured head of research at the Centre of Pervasive Healthcare, Jacob Bardram (now a full professor at the IT University of Copenhagen – apparently what I heard this morning is a re-run from last year) talking about his latest project: RFID chips to track patients and employees in the hospital through digital whiteboards.
It sounded uncannily like the idea that my group developed at the ITU in the Autumn of 2005, so I guess that it is true that good ideas are developed simultaneously in different places. I hope that the Pervasive Healthcare people at least made more of it than we did.
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