KDE signatures

One of the frustrations with being on the road doing my fieldwork is that I can’t be on-line often enough to keep a solid presence in the Ubuntu community or even on my blog.

The birthday consumption of my bottle of Danish herb snaps on my last night at the aKademy
resulted in seven KDE contributors signing a pound coin with hopes of creating a cult item to be auctioned on e-bay:

Signed pound coin detail

Since there wasn’t a whole lot of room for signatures on such a pound coin, we added a Certificate of Authenticity to go with it:

Certificate of Authenticity

For those not in the know, the wantonness is a KDE in-joke, and the signatures belong to

Adriaan de Groot, KDE Quality Czar
Allen Sandfeld Jensen, KHTML Wiz
Ellen Reitmayr, affectionately known as ‘Usability-Ellen’.
Dirk Müller, one of the old Konquerors.
Florian Grässle, Master of usability and snaps-swigging both.. 😉
Robert Knight, young champion of the Konsole.
Tobias Klein, KDE PIMpster extraordinaire.

Now, I don’t actually like e-bay very much, nor do I have a usable account there, so there’s no auction yet before I get back to Denmark and have better time for arranging it. But I can say as much as that all the proceeds will go directly to furthering the cause of KDE. 🙂

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